Yeah, I Said It: What if we treated all amendments like the Second Amendment?

As another tragic shooting shocks and saddens this great nation, the conversation that has emerged from Newtown, Connecticut will inevitably turn toward a uniquely American topic: the epidemic of gun violence in this country, and how we can prevent a tragedy like this from repeating. Unfortunately, since this tragedy has already unfolded several times, we all know what the product of that conversation will ultimately produce: Diddly squat. The NRA and their followers will make sure of it, as they have time and again. “The second amendment to the Constitution gives Americans the right to bear arms”, they shout, “and this … Continue reading Yeah, I Said It: What if we treated all amendments like the Second Amendment?

If We Must Talk About It…

I really didn’t want to talk about it. I really didn’t. Tom called me and said we had to, and I suppose its our duty to not pretend nothing happened and run comedy anyway. But the whole thing stinks. This evening, I took my wife out to eat at a reasonably fashionable restaurant. To my right, but across from me was a flustered father with a salt and pepper beard. Across from him, was an extremely placid Asian woman. Behind her back, apparently asleep was a small child. He woke up rapidly, and tentatively started to feel his way around … Continue reading If We Must Talk About It…